Tutorial 7
Tutorial 7: Matrix Algebra for Homogeneous Linear Algebraic System
Tutorial QuestionTutorial SolutionThe following linear algebraic equations represents the 3 dof mass spring systems below:
Determine the smallest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector for the eigenvalue/ eigenvector problem if , and . Then, draw the eigenvector.
SolutionFor eigenvalue/eigenvector problem:
Coefficient matrix,
Eigenvalue, in this case
For nontrivial solution, ,
Using calculator or software:
>> polynomial = [-1 340/3 -9400/3 140000/9]
>> root=roots(polynomial)For case 1 :
Note: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e. 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Continue from Q1, determine the second largest eigenvalue and the corresponding normalised eigenvector. Then, draw the eigenvector.
SolutionFor case 2 :
Note: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Note: If it is not specific the type of eigenvector, normally unscaled eigenvector by let is provided for manual calculation.
Normalised Eigenvector,
Continue from Q1, determine the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding unscaled eigenvector. Then, draw the eigenvector.
SolutionNote: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e. 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Note: Unscaled eigenvectors can be any vector of eigenspace. Normally we just let
Combining the results obtained from Q1-Q4, obtain the eigenvector matrix, and diagonalize the following matrix. Comment the relationship between the diagonal matrix and the eigenvalue.
SolutionDiagonal matrix,
Determine and comment on the change of it's eigenvalue and eigenvector, as compared to .
SolutionEigenvalue , where . It means the eigenvalue is power of 50 higher than the original eigenvalue. The eigenvector of and remains unchanged.
Given and has an eigenvalue of 2 . Find the remaining eigenvalues and develop the characteristic equation without developing the eigenvalue problem and without performing the determinant.
Solutionhas an eigenvalue of 2
has 3 eigenvalues since it has matrix.
From the property,
From the property,
Subs (2) into (1)
Characteristic equation:
Continue Q6, using Cayley-Hamilton theorem to verify that:
and . Then, compute the via the theorem.
SolutionExplain why the following equation : is not working to solve the problem?
SolutionPreviously we obtained,
The eigenvalue/eigenvector problem:
Note: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e. 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Note: Unscaled eigenvectors can be any vector of eigenspace. Normally we just let
For repeated eigenvalue,
Note: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e. 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Note: Unscaled eigenvectors can be any vector of eigenspace. Normally we just let
Eigenvector or modal matrix,
Thus, can't be computed.
Based on and , discuss the advantage and disadvantage of diagonalization formula versus the Cayley-Hamilton theorem in solving the power of a matrix.
SolutionDiagonalization formula for power of a matrix Cayley-Hamilton theorem Advantage Can compute the power of a matrix much faster with single equation. The formulation can be developed using characteristic equation only without the extensive calculation of the eigenvector and eigenvalues. Disadvantage - Require the complete eigenvalues and eigenvectors data for the diagonal matrix as well as the eigenvector matrix. This procedure can be long if compute manually.
- In some cases, it can’t be computed because eigenvector matrix might not have inversion especially for repeated root case.
Need derivation of the theorem formula for the computation of the higher power of the matrix. Find all the eigenvalue and normalized eigenvectors in terms of eigenvalue matrix and eigenvector matrix for the matrix .
Then, verify the eigenvalue matrix and eigenvector matrix if they satisfy the eigenvalue/eigenvector problem, i.e. .
SolutionFor non-trivial solution,
Eigenvalues or spectral matrix,
Note: RREF shows rank 1 (i.e. 1 linearly independent vectors)
Note: Unscaled eigenvectors can be any vector of eigenspace. Normally we just let or
Eigenvectors, \& for repeated eigenvalues respectively.
Note: Normalized eigenvectors has magnitude . It can be obtained by dividing the unscaled eigenvectors with the magnitude.
Normalized eigenvectors,
Note: RREF shows rank 2 (i.e. 2 linearly independent vectors)
Eigenspace for , where
Note: Unscaled eigenvectors can be any vector of eigenspace. Normally we just let
Note: Normalized eigenvectors has magnitude . It can be obtained by dividing the unscaled eigenvectors with the magnitude.
Normalized Eigenvector,
Eigenvector or modal matrix,
Eigenvalues or spectral matrix,
Since LHS = RHS, the solutions of eigenvalue matrix, & eigenvector matrix, are verified.
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